Non-QM Loans

Unlock Unique Financing Solutions with Our Non-QM Products

Our Non-QM (Non-Qualified Mortgage) products are designed to provide financing options for borrowers who don’t fit into traditional lending criteria. We offer a variety of solutions tailored to unique circumstances, including: 

  • Bank Statement Loans: Simplified qualification for business owners using business deposits to calculate monthly income 
  • P&L Statement Loans: Income determined by using Net Income shown on a CPA prepared 12 Month P&L Statement  
  • DSCR Loans: Targeted toward the Real Estate Investor, qualifying borrowers based on the income generated by the subject property being financed 
  • ITIN Loans: Specialize products for borrowers who do not have a Social Security Number but instead have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) 
  • Asset Utilization: Calculate income using unencumbered liquid assets in the borrower’s name; great for retiree’s or high net worth individuals 
  • 1099 Only:  Qualify borrowers using prior year 1099 only; no tax returns required 
  • Foreign National:  Non-US Citizens or Visa holders can acquire investment properties utilizing the income from the subject property being financed 

Contact us to discover how these products can meet your unique financing needs. 

Find out if Non-QM Loans is right for you!